(Source: City of Palo Alto, CA) be11ce71-dcee-456c-bb5c-7e7fe9c00d1e.pdf CITY OF PALO ALTO CITY COUNCIL DRAFT ACTION MINUTES Special Meeting October 26, 2015 The City Council of the City of Palo Alto met on this date in the Council Chambers at 6:03 P.M. Present: Berman, Burt, DuBois, Filseth, Holman, Kniss, Scharff, Schmid, Wolbach arrived at 6:08 P.M. Absent: Study Session Study Session on Status of Palo Alto Bicycle and Pedestrian Program. Special Orders of the Day Appointment of Candidates to the Architectural Review Board and the Planning and Transportation Commission. First Round of voting for three positions on the Architectural Review Board with terms ending December 15, 2018: Voting...